The chin-up is one of the more intimidating strength exercises. If you’re in any way interested in developing the ability to do chin-ups, this page essentially serves as an index for all the posts I’ve written about them. My hope is to introduce you to a range of techniques and training methods that will make the elusive chin-up more achievable. The aim of the various posts is to break down this one exercise into practice-able components, and provide you with new ways of thinking about and approaching your chin-up progression.
The posts are chronological, and also organised with progress and development in mind. If you’re a beginner, start at the top.
1. Beginning Chin-Ups. As the name implies, this is the place to start. We cover the basic movement, in terms of learning the coordination as well as developing strength.
2. The Gripinator: Chin-Ups Part Two. This post, as the name suggests, examines various techniques for strengthening your grip.
3. The Scapular Pull: Chin-Ups Part Three. My favourite ever assistance exercise for chin-ups and pull-ups.
4. Efficient Pulling: Chin-Ups Part Four. Some finer tips about focus, intention, and muscular/postural awareness.
5. Negatives, Bands, And The Pullover: Chin-Ups Part Five. Technical variations to get you moving through space, and a great assistance exercise too.
6. A Few Full Reps: Chin-Ups Part Six. A few pointers for continued progression, if you are at the point where you can do a couple of chins.
7. Horizontal Pull-Ups And Exercise Selection: Chin-Ups Part Seven. Details for the horizontal pull-up, and advice for structuring your pushing and pulling training over time.
8. Training Vs. Testing: Chin-Ups Part Eight. Strength, technique and efficiency. Putting it all together some more.
9. Weight Vs. Strength: Chin-Ups Part Nine. The difference between training to get strong, and trying to be lighter.
10. An Attempt At Simple Programming: Chin-Ups Part Ten. Focus on the pullover and rows. Get stronger at things you can do.
11. Troubleshooting: Chin-Ups Part Eleven. A few more techniques for working through weak points.